NOTE: Minutes are posted after approval by the ACC. Therefore, there is a one meeting delay. YouTube videos are posted immediately and have the most recent ACC decisions.
Date | Time | Location | Select for Agenda | Select for Minutes | Submit Request By |
01/04/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 12/28 @ noon |
01/18/24 | 6 PM | Agenda | Minutes | 01/11 @ noon | |
02/01/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 01/25 @ noon |
02/15/24 | 6 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 02/08 @ noon |
03/07/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 02/29 @ noon |
03/21/24 | 6 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 03/14 @ noon |
04/04/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 03/28 @ noon |
04/18/24 | 6 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 04/11 @ noon |
05/02/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 04/25 @ noon |
05/16/24 | 6 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 05/09 @ noon |
06/06/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 05/30 @ noon |
06/20/24 | 6 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 06/13 @ noon |
07/02/24** | 6 PM** | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 06/27 @ noon |
07/18/24 07/23/24*** | 9AM** | Zoom (7/18 Cont.)*** | Agenda Agenda | Minutes Minutes | 07/11 @ noon N/A |
08/01/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 07/25 @ noon |
08/15/24 | 5 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 08/08 @ noon |
09/05/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 08/29 @ noon |
09/13/24**** | 9:50 AM**** | Zoom (Special)**** | Agenda | Minutes | Special Meeting |
09/19/24 | 5 PM | Agenda | Minutes | 09/12 @ noon | |
10/03/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 09/26 @ noon |
10/17/24 | 5 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 10/10 @ noon |
11/07/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | 10/31 @ noon |
11/21/24 | 5 PM | Dance Barn | Agenda | Minutes | 11/14 @ noon |
12/05/24 | 9 AM | Zoom | Agenda | Minutes | Note: Wednesday 11/27 @ noon |
12/19/24 | N/A****** | No Meeting****** | N/A****** |
*This Thursday 01/18/2024 meeting was switched to Zoom due to road conditions
**This Tuesday 07/02/24 meeting replaced the Thursday 7/04/24 meeting that would normally be held at 9 AM. (NOTE: Rescheduled meeting was at 6 PM.) Original meeting rescheduled due to the Independence Day Holiday.
***This Thursday 7/18/24 meeting needed to be rescheduled to a Zoom morning meeting to have a quorum. The meeting ran 4 hours and was continued on Tuesday 7/23/2024.
****This Friday 9/13/24 meeting concerned a builder Stop Work Order and was needed for construction to continue so tasks could be completed prior to October 1.
*****This Thursday 9/19/24 meeting needed to be rescheduled to a Zoom meeting because the barn was closed for maintenance.
******This Thursday 12/19/24 meeting is cancelled due to availability of committee members during the Holiday Season.