Garbage and Snow Removal Updates

Friday’s garbage pickup with SSC is still happening. If you have additional trash from last week’s missed pickup, please put that out with your regular garbage and SSC will collect it at no additional fee.

They will get to everything that they possibly can reach with their trucks. If there are any cases where they cannot collect, we ask that residents keep an eye on the website or our Facebook page for updates on how to safely dispose your trash. We are aiming to have a solution in place for the weekend should there be any missed collections.

One of the reasons we’ve been able to keep SSC on schedule here is due to the great results we are seeing from our snow removal teams. Snow crews have been working hard since Christmas and we greatly appreciate all of their efforts.

Like many parts of Whatcom County, the “Cascade Cement” type of hard packed snow is causing some challenges for our snow removal teams. Crews will be working on trouble spots such as snow berms and persistent hard-pack that may have formed in places. They will be working into the evening tonight and start again early tomorrow morning.

Please, continue to exercise caution if you need to venture onto the roadways as conditions can vary around the County. Should the forecast hold, it appears we are nearing the end of this long snow event.