Board of Directors Candidate Interviews

Dear Sudden Valley Community Members,

On April 22, 2021, the SVCA Board of Directors conducted interviews to fill the vacancy on the Board. Currently, board meetings are being conducted virtually via Zoom and streamed to our SVCA YouTube channel. A separate virtual meeting room, not streamed to YouTube, was used to conduct these interviews. The intent of this process is to ensure that each candidate can be interviewed independently, and no candidate has an advantage of hearing the other candidate’s responses or questions. This allows for a fair process for all candidates. When we host this type of meeting in-person, it is standard for all candidates to be kept outside of the meeting hall and each candidate is invited in one at a time to interview. The expectation was that, just like last year, the candidate interviews would be recorded and posted to YouTube after the meeting.

I hope this gives the community a better understanding of why the board candidates were interviewed in a separate zoom meeting. However, I regret to inform the community that there was an inadvertent failure to record the interview session.

The SVCA Board and Interim GM deeply regret that this has occurred. Our members have the right to participate in the process by viewing these candidate interviews. This Board ran on a platform of transparency, and we believe it is the most important core value for our Board and Community to operate under. This mishap does not provide the adequate transparency that is vital to protecting the integrity of our elections and nominations process.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to apologize to the membership for this mistake. As Board President, I take responsibility for this failure to record the session. I will be working with our Interim GM, the Board, and the Nominations and Elections (N&E) Committee to develop a process checklist to ensure this does not happen in the future. This will establish a consistent methodology for both in-person and virtual meetings for staff, the board, and the N&E committee to follow so that the community is delivered a consistent process.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email


AJ Tischleder, President

Sudden Valley Community Association