Category Archives: Covid-19

Office Closed

The Office is currently closed.

The Association is experiencing an extreme escalation in the spread of COVID-19 among staff. We are working closely with the Whatcom County Health Department for guidance. The individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 are in isolation, and the SVCA continues to adhere to guidance from the Washington State Department of Health. This includes appropriate mask-wearing, hand-sanitation, and physical distancing, where possible.

If you have visited any of the Clubhouse offices in the last week and are experiencing cold like symptoms, please consider getting tested.

Due to these circumstances beyond our control, we are working short-staffed.

Please utilize the drop box for payment, any questions or concerns please this link or call the office at 360-734-6430.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.

Dan PikeGeneral Manager

Rich Johnson, Operations Manager

COVID Advisory

SVCA is STRONGLY RECOMMENDING the use of face masks inside all SVCA facilities.

The Association is experiencing an extreme escalation in the spread of COVID-19 among staff. We are working closely with the Whatcom County Health Department for guidance. The individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 are in isolation, and the SVCA continues to adhere to guidance from the Washington State Department of Health. This includes appropriate mask-wearing, hand-sanitation, and physical distancing, where possible.

If you have visited any of the Clubhouse offices in the last week and are experiencing cold like symptoms, please consider getting tested.

Due to these circumstances beyond our control, we are working short-staffed. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.

Dan Pike, General Manager

Rich Johnson, Operations Manager

Sudden Valley Mask Policy Update

Starting Tuesday May 18th, Sudden Valley will no longer require residents, customers, or staff who are fully vaccinated to wear a face mask. This is in accordance with the new CDC Guidelines released on May 13th.

        “The president has announced new masking guidance for fully vaccinated individuals, and we are adopting those recommendations today in the state of Washington. I do want to stress these recommendations, as celebratory as they are, they refer to people who are fully vaccinated. That means people who are two weeks after their second dose who had the Pfizer and Moderna shot…or two weeks after the one-shot vaccine. We’re going to update our guidance documents working with the department of health and labor industries to reflect this as soon as possible.

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee said in the May 14th press conference

This new guidance specifies that you are considered fully vaccinated if:

 It has been at least 14 days after your second dose of a 2-shot vaccine 
 It has been 14 days after your shot in a single dose vaccine 

If you do not meet either of these requirements, you are NOT considered fully vaccinated, and it is strongly recommended that you continue taking precautions like social distancing and mask wearing until you are considered fully vaccinated.

This new guidance applies to all Sudden Valley Facilities, both indoor and outdoor. Sudden Valley Staff will NOT be verifying vaccination status of unmasked individuals and Staff who are considered vaccinated will discontinue wearing masks when assisting customers.
For more information, read this article from the WA Governor’s Office. At this time, we do not know what the guidance will look like for SVCA facilities on June 30. More information will be provided as soon as it becomes available. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

We look forward to seeing your smiling faces again!!