On Monday, December 4th, a resident let SVCA know that there might be an issue with the equipment being used to clean our roads. Because of this resident’s communication, we were able to address the problem right away. Here is a timeline of events:
- SVCA was notified of the problem around 3:45 pm
- Maintenance was on site at about 4:05 PM and observed a small amount of sheen visible, as shown in the photo above.
- Maintenance contacted Allied Sweeping at 4:15 PM and notified them of a potential oil leak on one of their sweepers. Allied stated they would investigate and remove any malfunctioning equipment from service.
- At about 4:20 PM Allied Sweeping removed their broom truck from service to investigate if it had a hydraulic leak.
- At about 4:30 PM Allied Sweeping returned to the site with a vacuum sweeper and re-cleaned the street.
While we certainly don’t want to drip any kind of oil or other substance on SVCA roads, Allied Sweeping uses synthetic biodegradable food grade hydraulic fluid in their street sweepers (see SDS HERE). There are no special measures required for accidental release.
I believe that the response from Allied Sweeping was professional, timely, and appropriate. Most of all, I appreciate being alerted to a potential problem by an observant and quick-thinking resident. Please, if you see something, say something. You can reach SVCA at Office@SuddenValley.com or by calling 360-734-6430.