Tag Archives: Campground

WDGC Campground Cleanup

Adam Tullis – Contact 

WDGC Membership

To become a member of the Whatcom Disc Golf Club and participate in the volunteer efforts to reestablish the Mossy Roc Disc Golf Course at the Sudden Valley Campground please contact WDGC at whatcomdisc@gmail.com. We can also sign up members in person at our many events and work parties throughout Whatcom County which are posted on our Facebook page @whatcomdisc.

All WDGC members are required to fill out a membership form and sign liability waivers prior to conducting volunteer work at Mossy Roc. WDGC membership is only required to volunteer at the work parties and to participate in WDGC hosted events at Mossy Roc.

WDGC members receive:
A unique wooden tag branded with the WDGC logo and your member # that you can proudly display on your disc golf bag.
Discounts at local WDGC business sponsor Ace Hardware in Ferndale offers WDGC members a %15 discount on golf discs.
Early bird signup access to all WDGC sponsored events including the Cornwall Classic, Blaine’s Battle at the Border and more.
Access to exclusive member only events (tbd) held at Mossy Roc.

WDGC Membership Dues:
WDGC annual membership is $15 to join and $10 to renew. All SVCA members are eligible for an optional $2 discount on annual WDGC membership dues.

$5 of the new member dues goes to the creation of your unique wooden membership tag branded with the WDGC logo and your member #.

$2 goes to our non-profit umbrella Discovering Open Spaces, more info at: https://www.discoveringopenspaces.com/

$6 goes to the WDGC general liability insurance policy. This is the actual annual per member cost of the policy, and is required for all active/current WDGC members.

$2 goes to supporting WDGC events and efforts at Mossy Roc including but not limited to: providing porta-potty service, purchasing/upgrading disc golf baskets, establishment of tee pads, course signage and other maintenance items as needed.

The financial requirements of the items listed above are more than the basic membership dues that WDGC takes in. We could not make this possible without the support of the WDGC sustaining members and supporters who take on a larger share of the financial burden with the sole purpose of growing the sport of disc golf in Whatcom County. Please contact WDGC if you are interested in doing more than the basic membership.

Contact: whatcomdisc@gmail.com
Facebook: @whatcomdisc

Thank you all for your continued support!

WDGC Board