Tag Archives: fireworks

Fireworks Are Prohibited in Sudden Valley

Dear Sudden Valley Residents,

As the 4th of July holiday approaches, we’d like to remind residents that the use of fireworks anywhere in Sudden Valley is strictly prohibited. Fireworks are dangerous both for the user and the surrounding homes and forests. Sudden Valley is a place for all to enjoy tranquility and beauty, and the use of fireworks significantly negatively affects many members and the pet population in Sudden Valley.

The Association maintains a zero-tolerance regarding the use of fireworks. Therefore, Security will enforce this action and cite offenders under SVCA Rules & Regulation policy 1.4.

We appreciate members and guests who adhere to Sudden Valley rules and regulations, and we thank you. We hope you can celebrate with a barbecue, a picnic, a swim or even a paddle in the lake. Enjoy the holiday and Stay Safe.

Your support and understanding are greatly appreciated.

Dan PikeGeneral Manager

Rich Johnson, Operations Manager