Tag Archives: Committee Meeting

Announcement Regarding Applicants for the November AGM

The Nominations and Elections Committee would like to announce that Gail Chiarello’s application was inadvertently overlooked in today’s count of candidates. The application was received in advance of the deadline and was stored in a safe location separate from the other applications that were received. Because of this, it was not processed during the regular meeting. Ms. Chiarello will appear on the ballot as the only candidate for the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Document Review Committee to hold first Meeting of 2021

The Document Review Committee will hold a meeting on Monday, March 8th at 11:00 AM. For more information and to view materials, visit their page on our website here.

Members of the public are welcome to join this meeting live via Zoom:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83648733647

Missed the meeting? Find us on YouTube to view recorded Board and Committee meetings.