December 26th – Snow Response Update

Over 11 inches of snow fell overnight in Sudden Valley, and the SVCA Snow Crew began plowing and sanding the main roads at 4:30am this morning. Baby Plow is also in the Valley again today after working past 7p last night.

Gusty winds, additional snowfall, and low temperatures may cause power outages similar to the outages experienced last night by Sudden Valley residents.

As of 8am this morning, the temperature dipped to 12 degrees, with a wind chill of -9 degrees, according to the National Weather Service. The weather service shows 12 degrees as a record low temperature for Bellingham, last seen in 1971.

Residents are asked to stay off the roads, if possible, due to poor road conditions. Whatcom County Public Works has made a similar request. Road conditions are expected to continue to deteriorate throughout today and this evening, with an additional 1-3 inches of new snow expected later today.

Sudden Valley’s Snow Response continues to focus on main roads today, with the effort expanding to secondary roads tomorrow. You can help by staying off the roads, and parking your cars in your driveway or a designated parking area.

Vehicles blocking the plows or emergency services can have a devastating impact. If you must abandon your car, please notify Security at 360-603-6136 and give your contact info, the location of the vehicle, along with the make and model. 

To see images from around Bellingham, the following link will take you to a page with WSDOT cameras: