Service Update for Sudden Valley Residents

SSC has assessed current conditions and anticipates servicing most of Sudden Valley as scheduled on Friday, February 7th. However, due to road conditions, crews may be unable to access some steep streets in Gates 3, 5, 9, and 13.

To support residents affected by potential service disruptions, SVCA has placed collection containers at the Barn parking lot for trash disposal. These containers can be accessed by visiting the Rec Center and requesting staff to unlock them for you.

Additionally, if SSC cannot reach your residence and you are unable to wait until your next scheduled pick-up, you may drop off garbage and recycling free of charge at one of SSC’s three Transfer Stations located in Bellingham, Birch Bay, or Cedarville. (Please note: RDS and Republic stations are not included.)

We appreciate your patience and cooperation. Thank you!