2016 Nominations & Elections Committee Agendas & Minutes


2016 Nominations & Elections Committee Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting Time Location Agenda Minutes
1/18/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
2/15/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda  Minutes
3/21/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
4/18/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
6/06/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda No Quorum – CANCELLED
6/20/2016 7:00 pm The Loft  Agenda  Minutes
7/18/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
8/15/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
8/29/2016 7:00 pm Conference Room Agenda CANCELLED
9/6/2016 4:30 pm Sunset Room Agenda Minutes
11/5/2016 5:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
11/10/2016 7:00 pm The Loft Agenda Minutes
11/13/2016 1:00 pm Multi-Purpose Room Agenda Minutes