Beginning on February 6 and through February 8, there will be a partial road closure. It will begin at 7:30 am and should be able to wrap things up for the day by 3:30 pm each day. During this time, the road will be restricted to one lane traffic, but there will be traffic control in place and flaggers will be on site to assist. Please plan extra time in your commute that day to accommodate the traffic disruption. Thank you for your patience while we navigate through this together.
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Creekside Lane – Road Work
On Thursday, February 2, repairs will be made to Creekside Lane, between Honeycomb Lane and Cold Spring Lane. Cars will be able to get through, but there may be delays. Please drive carefully!
Possible Lane Closure on Marigold Drive
Utility work is planned for Wednesday, February 1st, and Thursday, February 2nd, near the entrance to Gate 2. Lane closures may be necessary, but flaggers will be on-site to direct traffic around any obstructions. Please drive carefully!
Deer Run Lane – Road Closure
Deer Run Lane will be closed on Monday, 1/16/2023, because of work being done on the ditches. The closure will be between #21 Deer Run Lane and #58 Deer Run Lane, for most of the day. Please avoid this area if possible.
There will be a brief road closure at 56 Windward Drive on Wednesday, January 25, from 10:00 am until approximately 12:00 pm. There will be flaggers on site that day to assist with traffic flow. Please allow extra time in your commute that day to accommodate this disruption. Thank you for your patience while we navigate this together.
On Monday, January 16, from approximately 9:00 am until 3:00 pm there will be a traffic restriction at 28 Honeycomb Lane to allow crews to pour concrete at this address. There will be flaggers present to direct traffic down to one lane. Please allow extra time in your commute that day to allow for this disruption and we appreciate your patience while we navigate through this together.
There will be a brief road closure at 14 Sunflower Circle from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm on Monday, January 9, 2023. Please allow extra time in your commute that day to accommodate this disruption. Thank you for your patience as we navigate through this together.
Greenhill Road Closure
On Wednesday, January 4, Greenhill was closed because of a water main break. LWWSD responded quickly and is working to repair the broken pipe. The road re-opened at 6:45 Wednesday evening, but may have to close again on Thursday, January 5, to finish the work.
There will be a temporary road closure on Thursday, January 5, 2023, beginning at 12:30 pm and lasting until approximately 3:00 pm that day. Please allow extra time in your commute that day to accommodate for this traffic disruption. Thank you for your patience while we navigate through this together.
Dumpsters Available for Overflow Trash
Since trash collection did not take place last week because of the snow, dumpsters are available in the Rec Center parking lot near the community gardens. The dumpsters are locked, so you will have to go to the Rec Center Front Desk to have them opened before dumping your trash. Staff are available at the Front Desk to help you between the hours of 8 am and 7:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Saturday, 12/31, is New Year’s Eve, and staff will be available between 8 am and 4:30 pm. The Rec Center is closed on Sunday, January 1, for the holiday. You can call the Rec Front Desk to confirm their availability at 360-366-8450.