Coloring Contest

There are still a few days to submit an entry for the holiday coloring contest! Click HERE to download and print the entry form. Two winners of a $25 Amazon gift card will be chosen from these age groups: 6 & under; and 7 to 12. Drop entries off at the Welcome Center before Monday morning, January 2nd. You can use the night drop on the side of the building if you come by after hours.

Gate 9 Mailboxes Damaged

The Gate 9 mailboxes near Huckleberry Park were damaged on Wednesday, 12/21, by a car sliding into them. Maintenance is working on a temporary fix today, Thursday, 12/22, and replacement parts have been ordered so that a permanent fix can be implemented as soon as possible. If your mailbox can’t be accessed by the carrier or if it isn’t secure, USPS cannot deliver your mail. Impacted homeowners’ mail will be held for pick-up at the Mount Baker Post Office located at 3150 Orleans St (the intersection of Sunset and Orleans). The Mt Baker Post Office is open from 8:30 am to 6 pm on Thursday and Friday, 12/22-23. It is normally open 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, and 10:30 am to 3 pm on Saturday.

Trash Removal Canceled Due to Snow

SSC has canceled trash pickup for all of Sudden Valley this week and will make two pickups next week. If the garbage trucks can’t get to your location next week, you may bring your garbage to the large dumpsters located in the Rec Center parking lot near the community gardens. Please ask the Rec Front Desk staff to unlock the dumpsters for you. Rec staff will be available at the following days/times: Friday, 12/23 from 8 am to 7:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 12/24-25, closed; Monday, 12/26, 8am to 2:30 pm; Tuesday – Friday, 12/27-12/30, 8 am to 7:30 pm.

Road Condition and Towing Update

Currently, many of Sudden Valley’s roads are hard-packed snow and ice, and driving conditions are treacherous. There are multiple reports of vehicles in ditches, some partially blocking roadways. All local towing services are unable to work in Sudden Valley given the current conditions, so abandoned vehicles may be left on the roadways for several hours or possibly days. Road conditions are poor throughout Whatcom County. Please avoid driving if at all possible. Vehicles blocking the plows or emergency services can have a devastating impact. 

Call the SVCA Weather Hotline at 360-746-7010 for future updates.

Holiday Hours and Weather Update

The SVCA Welcome Center and Rec Center will be open today, Thursday, for normal business hours, but will be closed on Friday, December 23rd, and Monday, December 26th, in observance of the holiday.

Because bad weather is expected, snow removal and de-icing crews will be scheduled to work, as needed, throughout this holiday weekend.

Currently, many of Sudden Valley’s roads are hard-packed snow and ice, and driving conditions are treacherous. There are multiple reports of vehicles in ditches, some partially blocking roadways. Please note: tow trucks are unable to navigate many of these locations in the current conditions, so these vehicles may be left in these locations for several hours or possibly days. This is true throughout Whatcom County. Please avoid driving if at all possible. Vehicles blocking the plows or emergency services can have a devastating impact. 

Updates on road conditions will be posted here throughout the weekend. You can also get updates by calling the SVCA Weather Hotline at 360-746-7010.

If you have an emergency, call 911. If you need to report road conditions or an abandoned car, call Security at 360-715-2449.

Weather and Road Update

SVCA snowplows cleared Primary, Secondary, and UTV routes on Tuesday and re-sanded them Wednesday morning to mitigate the icing that occurred overnight. Residential plowing began late on Tuesday and will resume on Wednesday. Roads throughout Whatcom County are icy and slick. Please avoid driving if possible.

Many cars have been abandoned at the roadside or parked inappropriately. These cars will be towed to prevent accidents and allow plowing to continue. If SVCA tows your car, it will be available for pickup at the lower golf parking lot.

If road conditions prevent you from getting home, please park in the designated overflow parking areas: Gate 5 Overflow, Gate 1 Park and Ride, Community Center lot, Lower Golf parking lot, Lower Gate 28 parking. Click HERE to see more detailed parking maps. If you have to abandon your car outside one of these areas, please call Security at 360-715-2449 and give them your name, contact info, make & model of your vehicle, and its location. Remember, if your car is blocking plows or presents a hazard to other drivers, it will be towed to the lower golf parking lot.

If you have an emergency, call 911. If you need to report road conditions or an abandoned car, call Security at 360-715-2449.

Weather Update Tues December 20th

SVCA Crews have been plowing since 4:30 this morning but snowfall may exceed their efforts. Per the Snow Response Map, crews have been working on primary roads first, then responding to the secondary roads. For your safety, please avoid driving if at all possible. We are in a current NOAA winter storm warning expected to last until 7pm

We ask that you assist the plowing efforts by either staying off the roads or ensuring your cars are located in the designated overflow parking areas: Gate 5 overflow, Gate 1 Park and Ride, Community Center Lot, Lower Golf Parking lot, Lower Gate 28 Parking. Vehicles blocking plows or emergency services can have a devastating impact. If you have to abandon your car outside one of these areas, please call Security at 360-715-2449 and give them your name, contact information, make and model of your vehicle and it’s location. If your car is blocking plows or presents a hazard to other drivers, it will be towed to the lower golf parking lot.


A weather alert was issued for Monday evening into Tuesday with very low temperatures and several inches of snow predicted. All primary, secondary, and UTV routes were salt-brined last Friday. This helps to prevent icing. Over the weekend, all of the upper gates and affected roads in the lower gates were plowed and sanded as appropriate. SVCA has a crew scheduled to begin plowing late this evening and another crew scheduled to come in very early on Tuesday morning to continue the snow removal effort.

Please use caution when driving and avoid driving if possible. If road conditions prevent you from getting home, please park in the designated overflow parking areas: Gate 5 Overflow, Gate 1 Park and Ride, Community Center lot, Lower Golf parking lot, Lower Gate 28 parking. If you have to abandon your car outside one of these areas, please call Security at 360-319-8200 and give them your name, contact info, make & model of your vehicle, and its location. If your car is blocking plows or presents a hazard to other drivers, it will be towed to the lower golf parking lot.

Updates on snow removal and road conditions will be posted to this website in the announcements.

If you have an emergency, call 911. If you need to report road conditions or an abandoned car, call Security at 360-319-8200.

For SVCA’s complete snow removal plan, click HERE.

Marigold Drive Closure

Marigold Drive will be closed between the Welcome Center and the Clubhouse for the removal of hazardous trees during the afternoon of Wednesday, November 30. Traffic will be limited to one lane and the road may be completely closed at some points in the process. Please avoid the area if possible.