Garbage Pickup Canceled

SSC has decided to close today because of unsafe road conditions and will NOT pick up garbage in Sudden Valley as usual. Residents may discard their trash in the dumpster located in the parking lot between the Library and Barns. Rec Center Staff will unlock the dumpsters as needed.

SSC will also allow extra garbage to be picked up next week on the regular schedule.

Higher Temperatures Begin to Melt Snow

Sudden Valley’s primary and secondary roads are passable for vehicles with 4-wheel or all-wheel drive and good tires. Melting snow and ice still present a challenge and there are many downed tree limbs. Crews will begin clearing tree debris during daylight hours, for safety. Please avoid or delay travel if possible. This post will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Roads are Plowed and Sanded, but Still Challenging

All Sudden Valley roads have been plowed and sanded, but compacted snow and ice remain. Crews are now clearing the hard to reach areas with SVCA’s new UTV. Staff were also dispatched to clear a fallen tree on Greenhill; the road is now open. The forecast predicts that another inch of snow will fall in Sudden Valley today. Please avoid travel if possible. This post will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Roads are Plowed, but Icy

Updated 1/18/24 at 5:30 am

Most Sudden Valley roads have been plowed and sanded, but compacted snow and ice remain. Low overnight temperatures have caused roads to become slick. Staff began spreading additional sand on all primary and secondary roads early this morning and will complete plowing the residential roads later today.

Please avoid travel if possible. This post will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Road Conditions Improving but Remain Challenging

Updated 1/17/24 at 9:20 pm

Sudden Valley conditions continue to be challenging with compacted snow and ice on the roadways. Low overnight temperatures may cause additional icing. Crews have plowed and sanded all primary and secondary roads and about 75% of residential roads. Crews will return early tomorrow morning to continue work on the roads.

Please avoid travel if possible. This post will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Snow Makes Road Conditions Challenging

Sudden Valley conditions are challenging with compacted snow and ice on the roadways. Steadily falling snow makes even plowed roads slippery. Crews have plowed and sanded all primary roads and most secondary roads, but are returning to primary roads because of the continued snowfall. Residential roads will be addressed as time allows, but probably not until snow stops falling.

Please stay off the roads if possible. This post will be updated later today.

SVCA Offices Closed

SVCA offices will be closed today, Wednesday, January 17th due to inclement weather. While roadways are currently passable, a prediction of more snow makes future road conditions unpredictable. Please check for road condition updates throughout the day. Call Security at 360-319-8200 to report road issues.

Snow Makes Road Conditions Unpredictable

Updated on 1/17/24 at 5:45 am

Sudden Valley roadways are passable with 2-3″ of snow on the ground. Because snow is predicted to continue falling for several more hours, future road conditions are unpredictable. SVCA is currently plowing and sanding the main roads and we expect to work on secondary roads later this morning. Residential roads will be addressed as time allows.

Please err on the side of caution and stay home if possible. This post will be updated later this morning.

Prepare for Snow

Up to 10″ of snow is forecast to fall in Sudden Valley beginning around midnight on Tuesday. To prepare, SVCA’s Maintenance Team sprayed a fresh coat of salt brine on known areas of icing. Additionally, a plowing crew is scheduled to begin work at 5am on Wednesday to get a head start on clearing the roads before the morning commute. Please assess road conditions before going out and, if you must travel, drive carefully!

Please review the snow removal plan HERE to make sure you know how best to manage this potential weather event. You can also watch a video presentation of the snow plan on YouTube.