Safety Committee

This committee usually meets the third Wednesday of the month at 2PM in Multipurpose Room A.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, February 20, 2025 2:00 PM – Zoom

Current Committee Members

  • Rick Asai, Chair

Attending Committee Meetings

The Safety Committee currently does not have a regular schedule. Be sure to check the Calendar page for information regarding future meetings.

You can watch live sessions or recordings of committee meetings at the Sudden Valley YouTube Channel

Meetings of the Safety Committee are currently being held remotely via Zoom. You can follow along in those meetings live and some committees may have opportunities for community feedback. Meeting details are below:

To join remote meetings via Zoom, click on the link below.

Committee Meeting Archives

Committee meeting minutes, recordings, past survey data, and other important documents from previous years are available in the Safety Committee Media Archive.


Safety Committee Information and Fact Sheet Library

Firewise Fact Sheet /Attic Crawl Spaces 
Firewise Fact Sheet/Coatings
Firewise Fact Sheet/Decks
Firewise Fact Sheet/Embers and Decks
Firewise Fact Sheet/Exterior Sprinklers
Firewise Fact Sheet/Non Combustible Zone
Firewise Fact Sheet/Roofing Materials
Firewise Fact Sheet/Skylights
Firewise Fact Sheet/Under Eaves
Take Action Pet Checklist
Wildfire Home Ignition Zone Check List

You can watch recordings of committee meetings at the Sudden Valley YouTube Channel.