Trunk or Treat Winners!!

Thank you to all the volunteers who made our Trunk or Treat event a success!

Here are the winners:

  • Best Car owner/car duo: Congratulations to Jennifer and Eric Mittag for their exceptional Evil Circus-themed trunk.
  • Best Theme: The award for the most creative theme goes to Casey Garbooden for the enchanting Fairy Woodland-themed trunk.
  • People’s Choice: The Davis and Wright Families were the crowd’s favorite, winning the People’s Choice for their off-road vehicle accident-themed trunk.

Announcing the 2023 Candidates for the Board of Directors, ACC, and N&E

At a Special N&E meeting on September 5th, candidate applications were opened, vetted, and accepted, and a lottery was held to determine the order in which candidate names will appear on the AGM ballot.  (Video of the meeting is available on the Sudden Valley YouTube Channel.)

The following members submitted applications:

Candidates for the Board of Directors*

  • Laurie Michelle Robinson
  • Keith McLean
  • Joshua Bowens
  • Tom Redd
  • Mary Stidham

Candidates for ACC

  • Pat Zwolenski
  • Jo Jean Kos

Candidate for Nominations & Elections

  • Rob Gibbs

The Nominations & Elections Committee appreciates all the candidates who have expressed their willingness to serve the SVCA community.

*Michael Wadsworth, withdrew his application at the start of the meeting.

Extended Road Closure

A detour will be setup on Monday, 8-14-23, at the intersection of
Polo Park Drive, and Morning Glory Dr.  Polo Park Drive will be closed between Morning Glory Drive and Oakcrest Circle for replacement of Culvert C315.  The closure will last for approximately 6 weeks, and a detour with signage will be setup. Please drive carefully and obey signs and flaggers.


Announcement Regarding Events Held Without SVCA Permission

An event (“Event”) was held by community members on Saturday, July 22nd, at the Marina Picnic Shelter. The rental agreement originally granted to Event organizers was revoked because they did not comply with the terms of the agreement.  Despite the fact that permission was revoked for failure to comply with SVCA’s Facility Rental Agreement, Event organizers proceeded to host the Event. Because many community members have asked about the circumstances surrounding this Event, the Association has decided it is in the community’s interest to provide an open explanation of this particular Event and to discuss the use of Association common areas in general. Click HERE to read the entire document.

Recreational Fires Banned

Please help keep our community safe from the threat of fire!

Summer weather is encouraging everyone to get outside and enjoy the season. Unfortunately, one traditional warm-weather activity — campfires — can threaten the safety of our unique forest community. Please be aware that a burn ban is currently in place.

SVCA’s Rules & Regulations state that a burn ban automatically goes into effect in Sudden Valley if Whatcom County declares a burn ban. On June 9th, the South Whatcom Fire Authority implemented a Stage One burn ban, triggering this requirement.

The Rules & Regulations explain that when a burn ban is in effect, no outdoor fires except properly enclosed cooking fires using gas or charcoal as fuel will be permitted. All other outdoor fires (open flame, including recreational fires) are prohibited for the duration of the burn ban. Sudden Valley’s rules are more restrictive than those of the County. Even though recreational fires are still allowed by the county, SVCA rules are clear that no recreational fires with open flames will be allowed. Violation of the burn ban can result in a fine of $250. The fine increases to $500 if there is a subsequent violation.

Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer Announces Level 2 Sewer Overflow

On Thursday, July 20, 2023, Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District (LWWSD) gave notice that a level 2 sewage overflow had occurred on Lake Louise Road. The issue was reported at 7:45 am and LWWSD had implemented flow diversion by 8:40 am. Inspection of the overflow confirmed that untreated wastewater reached ditches on both sides of Lake Louise Road, which flow to a drain located approximately 150 feet southeast of the manhole that flows to Beaver Creek. Once District staff have completed repairs, the area surrounding the overflow will be cleaned, followed by disinfection with application of a strong chlorine solution.

LWWSD has issued a LAKE DRAWN WATER public health alert for residents who draw their drinking water directly from Lake Whatcom on July 20, 2023.

Click HERE to read the full notice issued by LWWSD.

Candidate Applications Now Available

Applications for open positions on the SVCA Board, the Architectural Control Committee, and the Nominations & Elections Committee are now available.

The application period is open from July 5, 2023, and closes at 4:30 PM September 5, 2023. Packets are available HERE, or can be picked up in person at the Welcome Center, 1850 Lake Whatcom Boulevard.

Candidates are required to be members in good standing from the time of application, through their term of office, if elected. Each candidate must be listed on the deed to the property.