“Attention Marina Tenants”
Sudden Valley Marina / Kayak Moorage renewals must be completed by May 15th.
Moorage Rentals may be made in person at the Community Center (8 Barn View Drive / 10am-4:30pm), or by emailing recfrontdesk@suddenvalley.com – SVCA staff is dedicated to making sure your marina/kayak needs are met and we have appreciated your patience during this 2022 renewal season.
“PLEASE GET YOUR VESSELS/KAYAKS INSPECTED BY AIS” before launching into Lake Whatcom! AIS is scheduled to be at our Marina Starting April 30th-April 31th (9am-4pm) and continuing throughout our summer months on weekends!
Pools will be open Memorial Weekend thru Labor Day! Please visit the www.SuddenValley.com/recreation for pool and activities schedules.
Sudden Valley is now hiring seasonal lifeguards! If interested, please email Recfrontdesk@suddenvalley.com