Recreation Center Main Parking Lot closed Friday 7-15-22

The Rec Center parking lot will be closed Friday, July 15, 2022. 

The lot will be closed at 6:30am for cleaning, and then pavement markings will be applied midday.  The parking lot will be reopened as soon as markings are complete, hopefully by late afternoon. 

Maintenance will be painting temporary parking stalls in the grass around the loop identified for temporary parking.  Access will be available to the library/adult pool for pedestrian walking, but there is no parking available until the lot is reopened as this parking lot will also be painted.  When finished, the lots will be smoother and allow for the orderly parking of more vehicles.

Thanks for your help in getting this done as smoothly as possible.

Sudden Valley Firewise Program – 2022

Sudden Valley Community Association will be hosting a Firewise program starting on July 11th, 2022. The purpose of a Firewise program is to promote awareness of homeowners to the dangers of fires from vegetation surrounding their home and other properties. One hazard that is prevalent within Sudden Valley is the tree limbs that have fallen naturally or during windstorms. These limbs are referred to in a Firewise program as “ground fuels”. Because large limbs are difficult to remove, Sudden Valley Community Association assists homeowners by providing a free service whereby residents of the Association can dispose of the tree limbs that have broken from trees on or surrounding their property. This Firewise service is provided by SVCA’s Maintenance Department during a published scheduled time frame.  

Residents can take advantage of this program by having their tree branches placed in an accessible pile next to the roadway prior to the scheduled pickup time for their area. Piles of branches placed by the roadside after the scheduled pickup time will not be picked up and will be the property owners’ responsibility.

Scope of Service:

  • Service is limited to resident’s; no commercial support is available.
  • Branches must be plied next to the road and easily accessible to the Firewise crew.  Do not block ditches with branches.
  • Pickup is limited to tree branches that have naturally broken from a tree. Services do not include limbs that are “cut” from an established tree.
  • The maximum diameter of the limb is six (6) inches.
  • There is no limit to the length of the limb.
  • The height of a pile of limbs should be no more than five (5) feet tall.
  • Vegetation such as brush, lawn waste, tree roots, bagged leafs, etc. will not be picked up as these items will jam/plug equipment. If these items are left alongside the roadway, they will be the property owners’ responsibility to dispose of.  
  • Questions pertaining to the Sudden Valley Community Association’s Firewise program can be directed to the Maintenance Superintendent by calling (360) 778-2223.

Recycle Disposal: Limbs are fed into a large wood chipping machine and the chips transported to a Sudden Valley Association wood chip composting site. The chips will be made available free to residents to self-load on a first come basis.

Firewise 2022 Schedule:

Date                                    Location

July 11th                             Gate 5, Maintenance Zones 51, 52, 53

July 18th                              Gate 3, Maintenance Zones 3, 4, 5, 6

July 25th                              Gate 3, 9,13Maintenance Zones 1, 2

August 1st                           Gate 1, Maintenance Zones 10, 11, 12, 14, 15

August 8th                           Gate 2, Maintenance Zones 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26


Sudden Valley will hold its 2022 Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 5 at 1:00PM. Many positions are open on the Board and Standing Committees, and applications are now being accepted. Please see the application letter from the N&E Chair, along with the official 2022 application package HERE. The application period is open from July 5, 2022, and closes at the end of the business day  September 6, 2022 at 4:30 PM.

Reminder: Fireworks are Prohibited in Sudden Valley

Please be aware that fireworks are strictly prohibited in Sudden Valley.

The Association maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding the use of fireworks. Security will enforce this action and cite offenders under SVCA Rules & Regulation policy 1.4.

Sudden Valley Security Dispatch is available 24 hours a day at 360-319-8200.

Additionally, fireworks used outside of July 3rd, 4th, and 5th are prohibited by Whatcom County. Outside of those dates, please contact the WCSO non-emergency number at 360-676-6911.

As always, call 911 in the case of emergencies.

AM-PM Chlorine Release Facts and Response

Yesterday, June 27th, the Sudden Valley Community experienced a chlorine leak at Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District water treatment facility proximate to AM/PM Beach. Initially, LWWSD personnel thought the event was minor, and shared that information with our maintenance manager, who shared that with our Operations Manager and me, Dan Pike, the SVCA General Manager. Following outreach from the South Lake Whatcom Fire District to the LWWSD, it became clear that the situation was more serious than originally understood. One child was transported by South Lake Whatcom Fire District personnel for treatment at St. Joseph Hospital in Bellingham.  That information was not shared with Sudden Valley staff or leadership at the employee or Board of Directors level.

I reached out to LWWSD General Manager, Justin Clary, this morning to gain an understanding of what happened, what we can learn from it, and how we can ensure better notification protocols are in place going forward. We had a positive and productive discussion, and out of that Mr. Clary provided an informative recap of the events, our shared discussion, and some changes in LWWSD practice going forward to both prevent recurrences of yesterday’s events and also to ensure better communications between our agencies around any future situations that may arise.

I really appreciate the quick, effective response that General Manager Clary has provided to this situation, and want to share it with the SVCA community to provide greater accuracy in a time of overreliance on social media as a news source. GM Clary’s response and explanation follows:

Situation Summary

The District uses chlorine gas at its Sudden Valley Water Treatment Plant to disinfect water as part of the treatment process prior to its distribution to our South Shore (Sudden Valley and Geneva) customers. Every approximately 20 days, District staff change out expended chlorine cannisters with full ones. While changing out cannisters yesterday morning, District staff also changed out the chlorinator (device that regulates the injection of the chlorine gas into the water stream). The District typically changes out the chlorinator every year or so.

At around 10:30 a.m., while staff were changing out the chlorinator, there was a release of a small amount of residual chlorine in the chlorinator (speaking with our treatment plant operator, this is a typical occurrence when changing out chlorinators). The gas is then mechanically vented to the outside. Unfortunately, there was little to no wind to dissipate the small amount of chlorine outside. The lack of wind, combined with a high number citizens in the AM/PM beach area due to the high temperatures, created significant concern, including a couple of calls to 911 to which South Whatcom Fire Authority responded (and apparently transport of a small boy due to breathing difficulties). Assistant Chief Mitch Nolze visited the plant, determined no lingering concern remained, and departed.

Protocol Revision

I discussed with the crew this morning potential protocol changes to address the issue. Future work associated with changing out chlorine cylinders and/or the chlorinator will be conducted during periods when the public is not anticipated to be present in high volumes at the adjacent park and when there is at least some wind to more quickly dissipate the vented chlorine. We also discussed exploring if completing the chlorinator changeout when the plant is operating could create a vacuum that draws the residual chlorine into the water stream rather than releases it to the atmosphere.

We greatly appreciate LWWSD fast response to both the developing situation and changes to procedure to make these processes safer in the future.

Dan Pike, Sudden Valley General Manager.


On Tuesday, June 14th, petitions for the recall of 3 SVCA executive board directors were dropped off at the Association’s law firm. On Wednesday, June 15th, these were retrieved by Board president AJ Tischleder and N&E chair, Nancy Alyanak. 

As per the bylaws, the president is required to hold an SGM for any legal petitions with signatures from at least 10% of all members–or 313. After careful vetting and recounting as a result of slim margins, the N&E committee found that two petitions had enough valid signatures to move forward.  AJ Tischleder (321) and Sonia Voldt (318) will go forward. A third, Josh Bowens (310) did not have the required number of signatures. 

A voting packet will be sent by mail and the recall SGM will be held on August 13, 2022. Further information about the process will be forthcoming from the N&E committee. 

~Andrew “AJ” Tischleder, SVCA Board President

Sudden Valley Firewise Program – 2022

Sudden Valley Community Association will be hosting a Firewise program starting on July 11th, 2022.

The purpose of a Firewise program is to promote awareness to the dangers of fires from vegetation surrounding community homes and other properties. One hazard that is prevalent within Sudden Valley are the tree limbs that have fallen naturally or during windstorms. These limbs are referred to in a Firewise program as “ground fuels”. Because large limbs are difficult to remove, Sudden Valley Community Association assists homeowners by providing a free service whereby residents of the Association can dispose of the tree limbs that have broken from trees on or surrounding their property. This Firewise service is provided by SVCA’s Maintenance Department during a published scheduled time frame.

Residents can take advantage of this program by having their tree branches placed in an
accessible pile next to the roadway prior to the scheduled pickup time for their area. Piles of
branches placed by the roadside after the scheduled pickup time will not be picked up and
will be the property owners’ responsibility.

Scope of Service:

  • Service is limited to residents; no commercial support is available.
  • Branches must be piled next to the road and easily accessible to the Firewise crew. Do not block ditches with branches.
  • Pickup is limited to tree branches that have naturally broken from a tree. Services do not include limbs that are “cut” from an established tree.
  • The maximum diameter of the limb is six (6) inches.
  • There is no limit to the length of the limb.
  • The height of a pile of limbs should be no more than five (5) feet tall.
  • Vegetation such as brush, lawn waste, tree roots, bagged leafs, etc. will not be picked up as these items will jam/plug equipment. If these items are left alongside the roadway, they will be the property owners’ responsibility to dispose of.
  • Questions pertaining to the Sudden Valley Community Association’s Firewise program can be directed to the Maintenance Superintendent by calling (360) 778-2223.

Recycle Disposal: Limbs are fed into a large wood chipping machine and the chips transported to
a Sudden Valley Association wood chip composting site. The chips will be made available free to
residents to self-load on a first come basis.

Firewise 2022 Schedule:

July 11thGate 5: Maintenance Zones 51, 52, and 53.
July 18thGate 3: Maintenance Zones 3, 4, 5, and 6.
July 25thGates 3, 9, and 13: Maintenance Zones 1 and 2.
August 1stGate 1: Maintenance Zones 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15.
August 8thGate 2: Maintenance Zones 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26.

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