Updated 9-27-2022

Program Update from the Finance Director

There have been numerous reports of residents being unable to obtain verbal confirmation of their submitted claim status when calling the toll free customer service line provided by Epiq, SVCA’s third party property transfer fee refund program servicer. After contacting SVCA’s program manager at Epiq, I was informed that residents will be unable to receive verbal confirmation of their claim status if they call into Epiq too soon after filing their claim. This delay is due to Epiq needing sufficient time for the processing and testing of submitted data before it’s made available to telephone agents. SVCA’s program manager also informed me that she would instruct telephone agents to make SVCA residents aware of this timeline requirement. The program manager also stated that when residents receive a confirmation code after filing their claim, this confirmation code will serve as proof that their claim has been filed. Lastly, for those residents who do call into Epiq’s customer service agents, providing your tracking number, as listed on the initial claim notice letter, will give Epiq’s agents the best information for tracking down your claim status within their system.

Joel Heverling, SVCA Finance Director

All those requesting a refund of their property transfer fee may now file their claim at the website listed below:


Additionally, property transfer refund claims may also be filed by mail, and official claim notices and claim forms have been mailed out to all residents who have paid this fee. For those who wish to pick up a claim form in person, claim forms are also available at the Sudden Valley Community Association Administrative Office located at 4 Clubhouse Circle, Bellingham, WA, 98229

As a reminder, all property transfer fee refund claims need to be submitted by September 30, 2022, and all claim forms submitted by mail need to additionally be postmarked by September 30, 2022. All properly submitted claims that meet this deadline are expected to be paid out by mid to late November 2022. Furthermore, residents will also need to submit the following items with their claims: 

  • A copy of their State Issued Identification 
  • A copy of their Final Closing Statement that clearly shows the property transfer fee amount paid 
  • Provide a division and lot number 


There will be a complete road closure at 16 Canyon Court on August 18, 2022. The crews will be connecting sewer pipes and it is anticipated that the work will commence at 8:00 am and continue until 6:00 that evening. Please allow extra time in your commute that day to accommodate this disruption. Thank you for your patience while we get through this together!


Several weeks ago, Rich Johnson, our Operations Manager, informed me that he would be leaving SVCA to take time to address some health issues. After much discussion, it was determined yesterday would be his last day. We all wish Rich the best going forward.

Recognizing this was coming, with assistance from Finance Director Joel Heverling, I identified a candidate who is a great fit for the Operations Manager position. She is slated to begin her first day in the position on August 24th.

On a separate note, construction has started in the Clubhouse kitchen. This has not only led to a noisy work environment, but the accounting office now has no ceiling. For these reasons, all admin and accounting staff will be working remotely next week, August 15 through August 19.

Thank you.

Dan Pike

SVCA General Manager

Swimming Lessons Are Here!

Looking to Signup for Swimming Lessons?

Please feel free to email our Head Lifeguard, Abbi, if you haven’t received an email today – Asorenson@suddenvalley.com. asorensen@suddenvalley.com

*Swimming Lessons Signup Form – We have partnered with the Whatcom County YMCA to provide swim lessons. You can register on their website by following the link. YMCA Swim Lessons, call the Rec Center front desk for more details.