Sudden Valley Community Association Ballot Box

SVCA’s ballot drop box can be found in the Clubhouse at 4 Clubhouse Circle. Located in the lobby directly across from the old Administrative Offices, the drop box is accessible between 7am and 10pm seven days a week and will be available until 4:30 pm on Friday, November 4.

The drop box is a locked metal box designed to keep ballots secure. In addition to being locked, it is also attached to the wall. The keys to the box are under the joint control of the Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, Nancy Alyanak; Committee Member Michael Wordsworth; and General Manager Jo Anne Jensen. The keys are kept in a signed and sealed envelope inside a safe. All three individuals must be present to open the envelope and use the keys.

The drop box is checked at regular intervals and emptied of ballots. All three individuals must be present during this work. When ballots are taken out of the drop box, they are examined for signature, date stamped, and counted. Once the count is confirmed, the ballots are locked in a gun case and stored in a locked closet. The keys to the gun case and storage closet are kept with the key to the drop box. When not in use, all the election keys are stored in a signed and sealed envelope inside a safe.

This information is being shared with the community because it is important that homeowners know how to cast their vote and have confidence in the process by which ballots are kept secure.

Transfer Fee Refund Program Update

In recent weeks, questions have been raised about how the transfer fee program works. Specifically, a ruling from the Department of Revenue (DOR) has been posted on social media that says the unreimbursed funds must be returned to Washington State, because they are deemed “abandoned property.” This ruling was inappropriately obtained and is not accurate. Please click HERE to read a memo from Sudden Valley’s legal counsel that contains a complete explanation of the situation.

The SVCA is making every effort to ensure that all additional transfer fees originally placed in the Capital Reserve Holding Account are distributed. If you have a question about this program, please email Joel Heverling, Finance Director, at


There will be a partial road closure at 3 Hawks Hill Place on Monday, October 31, from 8:00 am until end of day. There will be flaggers present to direct traffic as well. Please plan extra time in your commute that day to accommodate this disruption. As always, we appreciate your patience while we navigate through this together.

SVCA Hires Jo Anne Jensen as New General Manager

The SVCA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Jo Anne Jensen as the community’s new General Manager, effective immediately. Jo Anne brings significant credentials to SVCA’s General Manager position and is well versed in the aspects of organizational management, community planning, project management, and effective community communications.

In Jo Anne’s short time with Sudden Valley, we’ve all been impressed with her professionalism, intelligence, and the respectful and thoughtful manner in which she approaches each situation. So, we are extremely happy to announce Jo Anne Jensen as the SVCA’s new General Manager.

The Board would like to thank Joel Heverling for his time and work as Acting General Manager, and for his continued guidance and support as Jo Anne transitions into her new role as General Manager.

Outgoing GM Dan Pike asked that we convey the following: 

“It is with a mixture of pride, hope and optimism that I announce my resignation as the Sudden Valley Community Association’s General Manager. We have all witnessed the progress that has been made over the last several months.  And, with the hiring of Joanne Jensen I, and the SVCA Board, believe the Sudden Valley Community Association’s future over the next several years has been secured. I leave knowing that Sudden Valley is in very capable hands. It has been my honor to serve this community.

Thank you,

Dan Pike”

The SVCA Board of Directors

Transfer Fee Refund Program Update

The first phase of the Transfer Fee Refund Program is coming to a close and we would like to share a progress update with the community.

Since the kickoff, Epiq, the company managing the program on behalf of SVCA, has received 1,199 refund applications. This represents over two-thirds of the property transfers where the additional transfer fee of one-quarter of 1% of the sale price of the property was paid. As planned, these first-phase refund checks will be processed and mailed at the same time and should be received before the end of November.

A second phase of outreach will begin before the end of the year for the remaining one-third of property transfers that paid the additional one-quarter of 1% fee.

The SVCA is making every effort to ensure that all additional transfer fees originally placed in the Capital Reserve Holding Account are distributed. If you have a question about this program, please email Joel Heverling, Finance Director, at


There will be a road closure on Monday morning, October 24, due to a concrete pour at 287 Sudden Valley Drive from 8:00 am until approximately noon or 1:00 pm. Please allow extra time in your commute that day to accommodate this disruption. Thanks for your patience while we navigate through this together.