The purpose of Sudden Valley’s Clean Green program is to provide Sudden Valley residents with a local area to dispose of tree limbs. The Clean Green site is located at the Sudden Valley Gate 5 Overflow Parking Area, across from Gate 5 on Lake Louise Road. Starting Saturday, June 11, 2022 this year’s hours are 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Items for Disposal:

  • Limbs (no larger than 6 inches in diameter)

Items that CANNOT be accepted include:

  • soil
  • weeds
  • sod
  • grass clippings
  • rocks
  • gravel
  • construction materials
  • chemicals and paints
  • batteries
  • electronics
  • household trash, plastic, glass, furniture, etc.

Main Pool Closed 6/1

The Main Pool at the Community Center will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday and Thursday (June 1st and 2nd). The Quiet Pool at the Adult Center (Library) will remain open with regular hours.

The Quiet Pool will be open at Noon on 6/1 closed on 6/1, but open regular hours 6/2.

Vacancy on the Board of Directors

The SVCA Board of Directors is seeking to appoint one new director to fill  a vacant position on the SVCA Board of Directors.  The new appointee’s term will expire immediately following the November 5, 2022 AGM meeting.   

Members interested in applying for the position should complete a Board Vacancy Candidate Application. The required application form for this vacancy may be downloaded from the SVCA website Announcements page.  Paper application forms can be found in the pamphlet file outside the Administration Office.

The application period begins Friday, May 27, 2022 and ends Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 4:30 pm. Completed applications must be hardcopy and received at the Administration Office by the published deadline. Emailed applications will not be accepted. Application instructions are provided with the application form.

Bylaws require the position to be advertised for at least 30 days and filled within 60 days.  Should no applications be received during the application period, an extension of an additional 30 days will be  announced and  the membership notified.

Once candidate applications have been submitted, the application period has ended, and the candidates have been vetted, the Nominations & Elections(N&E) Committee Chair will inform the Board that a date for candidate interviews, Board voting, and appointment of the new board member can be set.

The Board will determine their interview process and date; then the Board will choose the new member by a majority vote in open session.  Following the vote, the Board president announces the new director,  the new director joins the Board, and the meeting continues.

 If only one candidate has applied, there is no need for an  interview or voting.  That applicant, if qualified,  will be appointed to the board. 

Contact the N&E Committee chair at if you have any questions or need additional information.  A detailed  explanation of the board vacancy procedure can be found  in the SVCA Nominations and Elections Committee Manual, Section 11.0: Filling a Board Director Vacancy Between AGMs.  Find the N&E Manual on the SVCA website under the tab for “Resident Resources: Governing Documents: Board Resolutions, Rules & Regulations.” 

Sudden Valley Hazardous Tree Removals Underway

Sudden Valley has a number of hazardous trees identified for removal currently.
• We have a contractor on site doing this work to ensure that people and property are
kept safe.

• We cannot provide a schedule of which tress will be cut when, as the current wind
conditions require an up-to-the-minute analysis of conditions when downing these trees,
in order to ensure the safety of our contractor and the area residents.

• After trees are cut, most branches are removed, but most logs are left in place to decay
over time. This helps address carbon capture, reduces costs, and is consistent with
appropriate management for water quality issues in the Lake Whatcom watershed.

• When the contractor has completed his identification of all the trees that need to be
removed we will provide that list on our website.

• Please be kind to the workers removing these trees. A few folks have gotten angry at the
noise and inconvenience, but I think everyone agrees that safety is the appropriate
priority. The workers are trying to do their work as quickly and as unobtrusively as possible.

• If you feel there are other trees on Sudden Valley property (not on private property)
that are candidates for “hazardous tree” designation please call our office at 360-734-